Archive | July, 2012

I fall down…a lot

12 Jul

I tend to topple over quite frequently. Running, walking, sitting; I can fall do pretty much any activity. It tends to be embarrassing but at this point in my 28 year old life I no longer care. I fall and  hear the “oooo” or the laughter from behind or the occasional “Are you Ok?” No, I am not okay, I fall down way to often. Any attempt at scar free legs is futile. I must embrace these scars and when people ask “What happened to your legs?” I can simply tell them that gravity and sometime gravity and booze hate me.


I can’t move

9 Jul

Today my legs hate me. Why? Because I had the bright idea to do lunges and squats for the first time in about a year. I spent my day waddling around the department store where I work and awkwardly bending down to pick up fallen items. I complained to several customers some of which were annoyed and others offered encouragement.
I just thought about something. why is the word awkward so awkward to spell. It just looks weird. Anyway my work out adventures will continue as I plan on taking a spin class once my legs heal. Then pole dancing lessons, haha, maybe.