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It goes as saying

19 Dec

There is a saying (of the ratchet category) that circulates in our modern society. It states “No Fucks given.” This is the sentiment that I would like to relay to the previous months and weeks and most of the days of 2014. Now most people rarely see this side of me, and my eternally delusional optimism is indeed still intact. I just feel that in order to process the events of not only the past year, but he past two years I must maintain the mantra. But in the most positive way possible. You see I still care very deeply and give some fucks, however I have got to let some stuff go. This is the only way 2015 is going to work for me. Now I’ve been doing a hella lot of research regarding why events occurred, if there was a pattern of destiny that was deliberately destroying my attempts at exercising my free will. I looked to many sources; astrology, Buddhism, AA, physics….if there was a place where many people sought answers, I looked in that place. The only conclusion I drew for this research is that I can control a wire hanger with the energy that my body conducts and I am lacking a internal locus of control. So at that point, the only thing I could control was the Domino’s pizza app.  Digressing…So let’s look at the bright, I’m alive, I have a job I enjoy, I live in a nice place, my friends are rad, my dog is cool, I ditched a loser and met someone nice, I’ve traveled, I cultivated deeper relationships, and I achieved all of the goals that I set for myself in October of 2013. So The parts that I am referring to, the “no fucks given” parts follow as such….. The melancholy that lingered seemingly endlessly at the loss of my best friend, the end of a decade long diseased love affair, any attempt there after to salvage said love affair or friendship (I don’t want to be your fucking friend,)  The cruelty of the one person I thought would save me, and, like, the overall feeling of entrapment, resentment and self loathing. To all of that, I have only this to think, that after all the over thinking I did to attempt to understand the reason theses things happened and why it left in solitude of an almost emotionally unavailable nature, there is no reason. Sometimes shit suck, no fucks given. But there is another saying that has stuck around along the ages and sometimes, it only takes the right person to say it to you and it goes “you have to have the bad to appreciate the good.” So to the god coming to me in the next year, I give all the fucks, I really do.


Thicker Skin

19 Nov

The consistency of the feeling of uneasiness is irritating me. I am not accustomed to not getting what I desire or not having all the answers provided for me. It seems I am being forced to wait patiently and make my own decisions that are in my own best interest, The trouble with this is I do not know what the right choices are. I try to stay present, be present and focus on the next right thing, however the uncertainty of my future and knowing what I want are conjuring unrest inside of me; logically and illogically. Is waiting worth it? Waiting does not guarantee the result you desire. And more importantly why do you want what you want? I feel entitled to receive it because I am willing to wait for it, to be true, to be good for it. But this does not mean that because I feel this way I can or will have it.

I’m afraid of putting myself into this. I can’t handle another heartbreak, or maybe I can; I just don’t want to. I haven’t dated anyone that is in the least bit sensible, ever. I’v never wanted anyone with such a quality, My friends are shocked to see me care and genuinely like a potential interest. This is unusual, I tend to keep my distance giving just enough. I’m mad, I’m angry at myself for feeling this way, for being vulnerable, My friends tell me to enjoy the beginning of something new, but I struggle because I’m afraid that I will get hurt. Classic.

When they say things like ‘enjoy this phase’ I trust them because I know they are right, but I can’t help but question why there needs to be phases and structure at all. I stress over these questions. I think I should just stay away most times because I am much too sensitive and inquisitive to through wave after wave of unsuccessful connections. People seem to always tell you what you want to hear even if they don’t mean what they say. I have to understand that most people do not come from a place of sincerity as I do. And they are smart, to do that.

I know I shouldn’t trust my intuition, and after all my unwavering trust has mostly always left me disappointed. I just don’t want to not see others for anything other than truly good. And I know they can be good and still hurt me. That’s okay. The term ‘thicker skin’ comes to mind. Seems though this time I am the one telling myself I need to have it.


Welcome Back Pamela

31 Aug

A fresh start would be an understatement at this point. I am now reporting to you from a fairy tale just outside of Atlanta.  It’s quite nice actually and for as unsuccessful I’ve been at being a blogger, I am once again back in the saddle. So that being said, I’m really glad I remembered the password to this account. 

More to come…

I fall down…a lot

12 Jul

I tend to topple over quite frequently. Running, walking, sitting; I can fall do pretty much any activity. It tends to be embarrassing but at this point in my 28 year old life I no longer care. I fall and  hear the “oooo” or the laughter from behind or the occasional “Are you Ok?” No, I am not okay, I fall down way to often. Any attempt at scar free legs is futile. I must embrace these scars and when people ask “What happened to your legs?” I can simply tell them that gravity and sometime gravity and booze hate me.


I can’t move

9 Jul

Today my legs hate me. Why? Because I had the bright idea to do lunges and squats for the first time in about a year. I spent my day waddling around the department store where I work and awkwardly bending down to pick up fallen items. I complained to several customers some of which were annoyed and others offered encouragement.
I just thought about something. why is the word awkward so awkward to spell. It just looks weird. Anyway my work out adventures will continue as I plan on taking a spin class once my legs heal. Then pole dancing lessons, haha, maybe.

Conquering clutter is hard to do

9 May

I have been trying for months to streamline, my clutter and closet down to what I actually need and use. The problem with this is that I am no minimalist, in fact I would consider myself rather extravagant. So there inlies my problem. I spent countless hours moving my belongings around to different places in my home, but nothing actually manages to leave my home. HIdden clutter. 

I have googled ‘clutter solutions’ and ‘how to let go of old stuff’ but I have not found anything that is an option for me. SO i told myself, “Quit buying new and old stuff.” However shopping is kind of my hobby. I have begged friends to come over to my house and tell me what to relinquish but no one whants to help me because that is boring, even if wine is involved. 

I think to myself that I’d like to get rid of everything and just start over. I work myself up to it, I can almost believe I can do it. I begin. I pick up an item evaluate its purpose and value, and I put it back down because I think “I really need that etch-a-sketch.” From then on its stuff shuffle. I move that there, and put this here and smash all of this into a drawer until all my clutter is somewhat neatly hiding from me. And then for the moment I feel a little better.

If you haven’t tried this….

4 May

I recently discovered an all natural and fresh cosmetic line called Lush. It is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Every product I have tried, I have fallen in love with, seriously.
The Ambrosia shave lotion is perfection for my sensitive skin. The Ro’s body condition is ultra moisturizing and literally smells like heaven. The BIG shampoo gave me the ultimate beach hair. The Sweet Lips lip scrub exfoliates and moisturizes at the same time being edible and delicious. The Flying Fox shower gel smells like spring jasmine and it super luxurious. I also love the Sex Bomb bath fizz it pretty and smells very sexy! I could go on all day!
I am desperately looking forward to trying more of their products! Go try Lush!

Its been a while…

2 May

So I’ve been lazy. Too lazy to write about anything really. Its a flaw, I know. However things are about to change. You haven’t missed much and from now on I have a feeling that the approach to this blog will be rather casual and carefree, much like myself.
So right now……I am sitting in my underwear on my couch with my windows open listening to Iggy Pop and now thinking about Ewen Mcgregor playing Iggy pop in the movie Velvet Goldmine. Haha.

Rainy Day Playlist

8 Dec

1. Lonely Boy, The Black Keys

2. Bedroom Eyes, Dum Dum girls

3. Never Saw the Point, Cults

4. Don’t Move, Phantogram

5. Norway, Beach House

6. All Die Young, Smith Westerns

7. The Shakes, Atlas Sound

8. Level, The Raconteurs

9.What’s a Girl to do, Bats for Lashes

10. Heart SKipped a Beat, The Xxs

11. Hang Me out to Dry, Cold War Kids

12. Where is my mind, The Pixies


Quirky Thrift Store Gift Guide

6 Dec

It’s that special time of year again folks, the time that only comes once a year. A time of joy and wonder and, PRESENTS! I love giving my friends and family members gifts to show my gratitude for their exisitence, however I have never been a traditional gift giver. Whether you are rich or poor my gift guide will help you create a fun and quirky Christmas!  This is my thrift store gift guide!


Sorting through the record bin at the thirft store can often be a fruitless cause. Occaisonally you can find a gem like a Bob Dylan or Johnny Cash, but sometimes there are gems that you don’t even know are there. I find there are standards at every thrift store, names that you can always find and that are excellent presents. A few examples are Herb Alpert, especially his Whipped Cream and Other Delights, Classic Christmas Records, a la Bing Crosby sings your Christmas favorites, Mozart, Vivaldi and Beethoven, and vintage Country records are always there!


Thrift stores always have awesome books. Sweet Seventies Romance novels with the super sexy covers are great gifts for granny. Fifties cook books and how to guides are amazing, I gave my sister a Better Homes and Gardens sewing guide from the Seventies and now she is pro at sewing. Vintage travel guides make great coffee table books and as always the classics; Dickens, Steinbeck, Welty, Faulkner are fantastic especially if you find a first edition or early print.


I love finding mixed matched china sets at thrift stores, it makes a great gift for the Shabby chic lover in your life. For the drinker, a vintage decanter and a set of mixed matched martini glasses. Lately I’ve been finding a lot of wooden salad bowl sets that make useful and unusual gifts. Coffee mugs featuring geese, cartoon characters, mountains villages and “World’s Greatest” are funky gifts! Vintage suitcases are awesome gifts because the recipient of such an item can find a million ways to use them.


There is always a plethora of used appliances at the thrift store that still work! Last year my boyfriend got me a set of hot curlers that I have not been able to live without! Some other items that are super cool gifts are: Poloroid cameras, crimpers, eighties cell phones, alarm clocks, unusual land line phones, I found a Garfield one a week ago, calculators, curling irons, fifties hair dryers, make-up application mirrors, coffee makers, blenders etc.

Merry Christmas and Happy Thrifting!